Monday, June 30, 2008
Because She Said So
I spotted a woman on 86th Street in Brooklyn on Sunday with two visible tattoos. She had an intricate piece on the back of her shoulder, but she was wearing a lace shirt that would have required removal for me to get the photo. This picture above, however, was on her left bicep, and she was kind enough to let me snap a picture.
Some people can talk for hours about their ink, and some don't say anything. She gave me an approximate location of the shop where she had this done, 20th Avenue and 71st Street, which is very close to Kings County Tattoo Company, so I will make an educated guess and credit them for this piece.
When I asked the woman what was the significance of the phrase "Because I said so," she just looked at me with a sly expression and said it was a message "for my husband".
To see other work from Kings County Tattoo Company that has appeared on Tattoosday, click here.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Jessica Follows Up and Shares a Little More
Last Tuesday, I met Jessica outside of Madison Square Garden before a Pearl Jam concert. I posted a few of her 49 tattoos here.
Since then, we have exchanged e-mails, and I have updated the previous post, which now includes a link to her MySpace page (and photos of ALL her ink).
But for the purposes of Tattoosday, I am posting photos of three more pieces.
She told me "If I had had a tank top on ya coulda taken pics of my two favorite tattoos".
First, at the top of this page, is one of the seven crows she has inked. This is on the right side of her back and is called "Caw Caw Bird". The artist is Thomi Hawk from K&B Tattooing in Hightstown, NJ.
The second crow she sent me is on her left side, near her collar bone. She calls this "Hiya Kung Fu Karate Chop Crow" and she inked it herself, using a mirror. Quite impressive.
And finally, I featured a "sliver" of a sleeve on her right forearm. This is one of the finer pieces she has (that I personally observed). She passed it on for our appreciation here. They are her geisha and foo dogs.
Thanks to Jessica for sharing her ink here at Tattoosday. Remember, you can see all of her tattoos over at her MySpace page. We're hoping she'll let us know when she gets tattoo number fifty!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Fotos de tatuagens de Sergio Bensdorp Junior
Nome do Tatuador: Sergio Bensdorp Jr
Endereço: rua 9 de julho nº 1576 Centro Marília SP
Fone: (14)4101-0351
Orkut: Sergio Fantasy Tattoo
Introducing Fabiana's Ink
My wife, Melanie, in the course of her daily travels, has the chance to speak with lots of people. Occasionally, they will talk tattoos, and she often promotes Tattoosday by handing out fliers to The Inked.
One such acquaintance is Fabiana, who has a whole of slew of tattoos. She has viewed Tattoosday, and has sent me multiple photos of her work. The above detail is from a piece on her upper left arm.
Here's a section not visible in the long view, from the inner part of the top of the shoulder/bicep:
Fabiana gets her work done at Third Eye Tattoo in Brooklyn. This piece consists of a butterfly, a rose, a sunflower, and some other flowers.
Here's their story...
"The flowers I just got about 1 month ago are Lilies! I love lilies. They are so beautiful! They are my fav! Purple is my favorite color and orange is my girlfriend' I got purple and orange for her!Underneath that is my butterfly!
That tat was actually from about 6 years ago when I was with a different girl....we decided one day to get matching tats! NOT a good idea, she broke my heart! So I decided after a couple of years to have it covered up! I love butterflies, so my tat guy made it into a big beautiful butterfly, and added a pink rose as well. Under that tat I have my giant sunflower.
The sunflower I got for my ex-girlfriend Jill! We were together for 5 and a half years. All throughout our relationship she would call me sunshine...In that sunflower I also have a ladybug, that is for my twin sister... she loves ladybugs so I added one in!"
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tatuagem no Festival Calango 2008
Em sua quinta edição, o Festival Calango 2008 um dos cinco mais importantes festivais de música independente do Brasil, reitera este o ano a sua missão de estimular a cadeia produtiva da música independente brasileira. Mais uma vez, artistas, jornalistas e produtores independentes de todo o Brasil se reunirão em Cuiabá, por três dias, para pensar ( e comemorar!) os rumos da cultura urbana e independente brasileira.
As novidades das Artes Integradas do Festival Calango 2008, tratam-se da convenção de tatuagem, com a participação de tatuadores de Mato Grosso e a 1º Convenção de Moda, que reunirá produtores de grifes alternativas do estado.
Este ano o público ouvirá muita MPB, Jazz, Carimbó, Maracatu, Rap, e outros gêneros musicais. Nomes como El Mato A Un Policia Motorizado (ARG), Papier Tigre (FRA), Cabruera (PB), e Supercordas (RJ), Cascadura (BA), Mamelo Sound System (SP), já estão confirmados.
Onde: Centro de Eventos do Pantanal
Contatos: Tel. (65) 3052-0321, e-mail , msn , Skype cuboatendimento
Seu Madruga deixa saudades e marca algumas peles
Ao contrário do post anterior, o famoso que virou tatuagem deste post não tem super poderes e muitas vezes não é um bom exemplo para a sociedade, entretanto o personagem conquistou muitos fãs pelo mundo, sobretudo no México e América do Sul.
Don Ramón Valdez ou Seu Madruga, como é conhecido no Brasil, é um dos participantes do Chaves, extinto seriado mexicano de muito sucesso na TV.
Em 1988 o ator foi vítima do câncer de pulmão, devido ao tabagismo. Ainda hoje, Seu Madruga conquistas fãs e deixa saudades.
"Posso não ter um centavo no bolso, mas tenho um sorriso no rosto e isso vale mais que todo dinheiro do mundo."
Seu Madruga
Homem-aranha (spiderman), dos quadrinhos para as peles
An Elaborate Sugar Skull Reminds Chris That Death is Part of the Fabric of Life
Last Friday, I did my civic duty and served jury duty for Kings County Supreme Court. We were assembled and shown a video. They collected our cards and the first group of 30 citizens were called. I was among them. A court officer walked us several blocks to a different building. We passed through the lobby and broke into small groups to enter the elevators up to the 19th floor. In the elevator, I noticed I was standing next to a guy with with sleeves rolled up to mid-forearm. His right arm had an amazing sugar skull tattooed on it.
As luck would have it, the tattooed individual sat next to me on a bench outside a courtroom while we waited. And waited. And waited. Fortunately, we had something to talk about: tattoos (with a little surfing thrown in).
Chris and I talked for over an hour. Then, we were dismissed. No longer needed. Three hours of jury duty rather than three days. Since my camera had to be checked by security at the main courthouse, Chris walked back with me and let me take a couple of shots of his sugar skull.
This tattoo was inked by Adam Hays at Red Rocket Tattoo. There have been many sugar skulls posted here, but this one is among the most intricately done. The detail is phenomenal.
Chris, who is heavily inked, values this tattoo because the sugar skull's symbolism reflects the fact that he doesn't like to mourn death. It is a part of the natural cycle of life, and this piece helps him deal with life's problems.
He followed up with an e-mail expanding on his philosophy:
"...In my childhood/teenage years, a lot of close friends and family passed away in a short period of time - and yes - I was devastated, but couldn't just tie myself up in the mourning process, because that's what people do - they live and they die. And when I was first introduced to the concept of the sugar skull and it's meaning, [I came to understand] it's really all about embracing the power of death into the fabric of life. The symbolism of the sugar skull to me is kind of a way of transforming the painful 'miseries' of death into a source of nurturing and internal strength. It's a way for me to cherish my fallen dead and a way for their memory to live on in me (or, on me, for that matter). In any case, I feel that it's kind of ingrained in our culture that we need to feel grief and despair when someone dies, but you don't always have to follow the trend. The sugar skull is a way to remember, honor, and feel closer to the dead. And that's what it reminds me of each time I see it."
For prior posts with sugar skulls, click here.
For prior posts with work from Red Rocket Tattoo, click here.
Thanks to Chris for sharing his Sugar Skull tattoo here on Tattoosday!
Learning Tattoo - Capítulo 10, A Esterilização
A Esterilização
O processo da tatuagem cria uma ferida superficial , cada vez que a tinta é injetada na pele, pela agulha. Qualquer ferida tem potencial para infecções, portanto é muito importante a esterilização dos equipamentos. Para tatuar, os tatuadores esterilizam alguns materiais descartáveis e reutilizáveis, como as biqueiras. A esterilização combinado com o uso de luvas, óculos de proteção e jaleco (EPI) garentem a segurança do tatuador e de seus clientes.
É de responsábilidade do estúdio eliminar as possibilidades de contaminações, inclusive das tintas, porta-batoques, batoques, biqueiras, agulhas, hastes e maca. Muitos produtos são vendidos devidamente embalados, estes produtos, assim como os embalados e esterelizados pelo tatuador, devem ser abertos e descartados na presença do cliente.
Equipamentos reutilizáveis, como biqueiras e hastes, são esterilizadas antes de todo o processo. O equipamento para esterilização recomendado é a autoclave, equipamento frequentemente utilizado em hospitais, que esteriliza através da pressão. Geralmente as autoclaves têm um ciclo de 55 minutos a partir de um começo a frio. Este processo elimina os organismos presentes no interior do equipamento.
Uma autoclaves é baseada em pressão, temperatura e tempo, confira abaixo duas combinações:
30 minutos, 10 libras, a temperatura de 250° F (121° C)
15 minutos, 15 libras, a temperatura de 270° F (132° C)
Antes da esterilização, o tatuador deve limpar cada material e inserí-los em uma bolsa adequada. Uma fita indicadora presente na bolsa, mudará sua cor assim que os materiais estiverem esterilizados.
Antes de usar as luvas, o tatuador deve lavar devidamente as mãos e verificar a existência de cortes e/ou abrasões.
Lembre-se de:
- Desinfetar a bancada de trabalho com glutaron, formol e cândida.
- Todos os objetos não esterilizáveis, como borrifadores, máquinas, clip-cord, devem ser embalados com pásticos devidamente limpos, evitando a contaminação secundária.
- Abra e remova todo material esterilizado na frente de seu cliente.
- Explique as fases de esterilização a seu cliente.
Obs.: Contamos sempre com a sua contribuição para que estas lições fiquem cada vez mais completas. À todas as informações cedidas, serão atribuídas os devidos créditos.
Para receber gratuitamente as lições em seu e-mail, assine nosso feed.
Minha Tattoo 41, Walasse Junior
Walasse Junior escreve do Espírito Santo e fala um pouco sobre sua primeira tatuagem.
"E aí galera!
Esta aí é a minha tattoo, ela esta na minha costas, abaixo do meu pescoço. Foi a minha primeira tattoo, eu queria fazer uma tattoo de qualquer jeito e decidi fazer o meu nome, não sei porque. Obrigado a todos!"
Walasse Junior
Participe do quadro Minha Tattoo.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Minha Tattoo 40, André Lima
No quadro Minha Tattoo, de número quarenta, o cearense André Pinho nos envia não uma, mas sete fotos de suas tatuagens. Agradecemos a boa vontade André.
"Aê povo do blog, sou novo por aqui. Achei muito interessante o site. Tenho seis tatuagens! Pretendo parar em nove ou onze, já que tem que ser impar não é? Ou é lenda isso? Bem, estou fazendo um anjo nas costas, porém, nunca vi o desenho, louco não?"
André Pinho
Participe do quadro Minha Tattoo.
Toukou ou Besta Sagrada - Significado
Tom's Pearl Jam Stickman Tattoo
So last night I caught Pearl Jam at Madison Square Garden and, of course, there were tattoos aplenty. But, as I mentioned yesterday, concert-goers generally seem a little more focused on the event at hand than the pursuit of blogfodder by a fellow concert-goer.
Luckily for me, Tom was sitting right behind me and I got him to show me his "Stickman" tattoo. This is one of the band's oldest logos, and is a common piece to get inked by the biggest devotees of the group.
Tom had this inked in 1994 at Da Vinci Tattoo Studio in Wantagh, New York. He had yet to see his first Pearl Jam concert when he had this tattooed on his left ankle. Last night was his 14th show (it was my fifth).
Thanks to Tom for sharing his Stickman with us!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ouryu ou Peixe Sagrado
Nome destinado à imagem de um dragão, com asas em forma de chamas. Após quinhentos anos, o dragão adquire chifres e recebe o nome de Kakuryu. Passados mil anos o Kakuryu torna-se um Ouryu, forma de dragão mais elevada. Há descrições que apontam o Ouryu como um dragão que realiza boas ações em nome dos imperadores.